Transformation Sequences
Since 1998 Driessens & Verstappen have made several transformation sequences by using physical and chemical processes. The resulting form
collections (Morphoteques) show step by step transitions from daily objects to their unrecognizable final state:
In Morphoteque #10 (1998) the force of pressure and elasticity was used.
Morphoteque #11 (2001) the process of erosion.
Morphoteque #13 (2003) was created by galvanization and etching.
Morphoteque #14 (2004) by dehydration and fermentation.
In 2019 the process of erosion got renewed attention during a residency at DordtYart, resulting in Fading Souvenirs, a performative
installation of 4 rotating tumblers in which souvenirs are ground by stones and water.
Click on the images to see more detailed images of the collections.