E-volved Cultures Screensaver

Driessens & Verstappen have carried out numerous of breeding sessions with the E-volver software. The E-volved Cultures Screensaver brings together ten of the best results from these sessions. Each time when the screensaver starts, one of these ten Cultures is chosen at random. The eight virtual creatures from this Culture are then scattered, also at random, on the screen. This creates an almost infinite number of possible starting conditions from which the process may develop, each time in a slightly different direction.

The E-volved Cultures Screensaver is part of the project for the LUMC Research Labs and was published on CD-ROM in an edition of 1500. Published in assignment of SKOR, Amsterdam.

blog review Mitchell Whitelaw

blog review Mitchell Whitelaw download (78 KB)
E-volved Cultures Screensaver - OS X 10.6, 64 bit

download (80 KB)
E-volved Cultures Screensaver - OS X 10.10 and later, 64 bit

See readme for installation instructions.

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